
Itay Tal

Naama Preis,She'ev Shimshoni,Andy Levi,Ron Bitterman








暴风-m3u8 线路(HD中字)
非凡-m3u8 线路(HD中字)
量子-m3u8 线路(HD中字)
优质-m3u8 线路(HD中字版)
天空-yun 线路(HD)
飞速-yun 线路(HD)
淘片-m3u8 线路(钢琴之神)
百度-m3u8 线路(HD中字)

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海兔影院(www.haitum.cc)第一时间为您提供《钢琴之神》的免费在线观看,钢琴之神是由 Itay Tal导演,Naama Preis,She'ev Shimshoni,Andy Levi,Ron Bitterman等领衔主演,本片(剧)上映于 2019,对白语言为 希伯来语,属于 剧情片 类型, 敬请知悉。最后,祝您观影愉快!以下为剧情简介:

Concert pianist Anat’s waters break while she is playing. Devastatingly, her son proves deaf. The 'Baby Mozart' CD her father gives her can go straight in the bin. However, Anat's will to raise a piano genius who would befit her respected musical family only becomes stronger, and she takes drastic measures to make this happen. Composed as a moral parable with a touch of thriller, God of the Piano tells the story of a mother – played with great reserve by Naama Preis – whose obsessive behaviour and mile-high expectations threaten to crush her child, just as she was once crushed. While focusing on mother-son relations, the film also explores the uncertain nature of prodigy. Is talent inherited? Is there a secret tension or even an interplay between giftedness and averageness? And – most importantly – what price does a person, be it adult or child, pay for being labelled a genius?

音乐会钢琴家安娜特在演奏时突然放水。令人震惊的是,她的儿子被证明是聋子。她父亲送给她的“小莫扎特”CD可以直接放进垃圾箱。然而,安娜特培养一个适合她受人尊敬的音乐家庭的钢琴天才的意愿却越来越强烈,她采取了激烈的措施来实现这一点。钢琴之神作为一个寓意寓言和一点惊悚,讲述了一位母亲的故事-由纳玛·普雷伊斯(Naama Preis)非常谨慎地演奏-她的强迫行为和一英里高的期望威胁到她的孩子,就像她曾经被压垮一样。影片在关注母子关系的同时,也探讨了神童的不确定性。天赋是遗传的吗?天赋和平均之间是否存在秘密的紧张关系,甚至是相互作用?而且——最重要的是——一个人,无论是成年人还是儿童,被贴上天才的标签要付出什么代价?

更新时间:12分钟前 / 热度:0°C